Buying or selling a home in the NTPUD boundaries
- If selling a home within the North Tahoe Public Utility District, it is the owner’s responsibility to perform a Sewer Pressure Test on the existing sewer lateral. The property cannot close escrow without the District witnessing the test. If using an out of town escrow company, they must be made aware of the Sewer Pressure Test requirements. Please note that the cost listed above does not include the cost of the plumber who performs the test. For more information please follow this link. In order to perform a Sewer Pressure Test, the cleanout must be clear of snow, or other obstructions, and accessible. Cleanouts can be located in yards, driveways, walkways, or anywhere on the property.
- The name on the property is not changed until the Grant Deed has been received from the title company.
- Make sure that the real estate agent representing you is aware of the benefits available to NTPUD property owners via the Resident Benefit program from the Mello Roos paid toward the Park facilities in the District.
- If you have been paying your bill via AutoPay, be sure to have that turned off.
- If purchasing a home within the NTPUD’s boundaries, the water and sewer services are not interrupted upon a change of ownership.
- The new owner’s name is ONLY put on the property once the Grant Deed has been received from the Title Co. If using an out of town escrow company, make sure they are aware of this.
- The current owner will be responsible for making sure the sewer lateral has been tested, if required.
- All new homeowners are welcomed to the District with a complete packet explaining the District’s billing policies, information about water conservation, the North Tahoe Regional Park, and a NTPUD Resident Parking Sticker, as well as other valuable information.
- While the North Tahoe Public Utility District provides sewer service to all properties in our boundaries, note that there are also two private water companies (Agate Bay Water and Fulton Water) that may serve the property.