Meeting Agendas and Minutes for Board of Directors and Recreation & Parks Commission
The District is committed to providing residents and property owners the opportunity to listen and provide comment at public meetings.
Upcoming meetings are listed beneath “Current and Upcoming Events”. Agendas and meeting packets are posted once complete in advance of each meeting; click on the meeting name to the left of the date to view meeting documents.
Recent meetings are listed beneath “Most Recent Events”. Minutes approved at meetings and presented by District staff are posted as soon as possible after the meeting, including meeting videos, since April 2016. Occasionally technical issues preclude us from obtaining the video, however, we strive to record every meeting.
Approved Minutes from recent meetings are available by clicking on “DOWNLOAD” for the specific meeting(s) in which you are interested. See below. If you have questions about this page we are happy to assist you. Please feel free to contact us.
In an effort to provide the public time to plan to attend Board meetings on items of interest, the NTPUD will make all effort to release the agenda for Regular Board meetings by the Wednesday prior to the meeting. If changes to the agenda are necessary, a revised agenda will be sent out at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. Staff reports will not be included in the early agenda posting. Anyone interested in a particular item can contact the Administrative Services Liaison to determine the approximate time the item will start.
Note that the Brown Act requires no less than a 72 hour posting time, with special or emergency meetings having shorter posting requirements. We try to exceed Brown Act requirements and to post agendas for meetings one week before all regular meetings. Learn about the Brown Act via this link.
Meeting Archives
For District Board of Directors and Recreation and Parks Commission meetings prior to 2016 please contact NTPUD Board Secretary, Misty Moga at [email protected].