Management Team Contact Information

The main phone number for the District is (530) 546-4212 and extensions are indicated below.

Brad Johnson

Bradley A. Johnson, P.E., General Manager

(530) 546-4212, ext. 5410

Lori Pommerenck,
Interim Chief Financial Officer

(530) 546-4212, ext. 5420

Joe Pomroy

Joseph J. Pomroy, P.E.,
Engineering and Operations Manager

(530) 546-4212, ext. 5430

Ken Fischer

Ken Fischer,
Operations Manager

(530) 546-4212, ext. 5450

Amanda Oberacker

Amanda Oberacker,
Recreation, Parks, & Facilities Manager

(530) 546-4212, ext. 5485

Kim Harris,
Human Resources Manager

(530) 546-4212, ext 5413

Misty Moga

Misty Moga,
Administrative Liaison/Board Secretary

(530) 546-4212, ext. 5412

Justin Broglio

Justin Broglio, APR,
Public Information Officer

(530) 546-4212, ext. 5434