The North Tahoe Public Utility District is governed by a five-member Board of Directors and they are elected to staggered four year terms. Their term begins on the day of their swearing in and goes through the first Friday in December when either they or a newly elected individual is sworn in at the next special or regular meeting.
The Board of Directors meets on the Second Tuesday of each month at 2:00 PM (Closed Session immediately following the regular meeting). The meetings are held at the North Tahoe Event Center, 8318 N Lake Blvd, Kings Beach, CA 96143; however, pursuant to Government Code Section 54953 (e) (AB361), the meeting may be held via teleconference at the number listed on the individual meeting agendas. Please check meeting agendas for location and details. Meetings are recorded and the video recordings are uploaded a day or two after the meeting.
Board Member Bios
Sarah Coolidge, President
Personnel Committee; Finance Committee; Ad hoc TTSA Representative Committee
Sue Daniels, Vice President
Development & Planning Committee: Recreation & Parks Committee; Ad hoc Active Recreation Needs Assessment; North Tahoe PUD Representative on Mountain Housing Council
Phil Thompson
Development and Planning Committee; Personnel Committee;

Danielle Hughes, Secretary
Recreation & Parks Committee, Ad hoc Public Outreach Committee
Alex Mourelatos
Finance Committee; Ad hoc Public Outreach Committee; Ad hoc Active Recreation Needs Assessment
Board elections are held every two years, during even-year November General Elections. The filing period typically begins in July, prior to the November election. Directors are elected at large by the voters within the District boundaries. Registered voters within District boundaries are eligible to run for office. Elections are conducted by the Placer County Elections Division. Voters interested in running for office are required to file candidate nomination papers with Placer County. Candidates may contact the Placer County Elections Division in Auburn for more information and filing materials. Placer County Elections, 530-886-5650 or 800-824-8683.
The North Tahoe Public Utility District, in its efforts to meet the requirements of AB2040, as well as an open and communication with its customers and the public, provide for public review the compensation and benefits received by elected officials as well as public employees.
Additional information on the annual compensation of the District’s elected officials, officers, and employees is submitted each year to the State Controller’s Office and available online at –